Columns for Data Model ====================== .. _dm-reference-label: Equipment types --------------- Accessed with .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: py pd.json_normalize(client.get_equipment_types()) .. code-tab:: r R get_equipment_types() **id**: unique integer associated with the given type/tag **tag_name**: this is the equip type tag associated with a class **name_long**: longer, human-readable name (e.g. tag "cogen" => "Cogeneration Plant"). This is the class name you will find in the ontology **name_abbr**: common abbreviated form (e.g. "FCU", "CHWS") **active**: True if this class in the latest version of the ontology **critical_point_types**: id numbers of the associated point types that are expected to be observed (look up in client.get_all_point_types()) **sub_types**: embedded JSON of possible forms of the equipment super-type (e.g. 'fan' has the sub-types 'exhaustFan', 'reliefFan', 'returnFan', etc.) **tags**: Haystack tags associated with equipment super-type Sub-equipment types ------------------- Accessed for given equipment (e.g. 'fan') with .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: py sub_type = pd.DataFrame(equip_type[equip_type.tag_name == 'fan']['sub_types'].item()) .. code-tab:: r R get_equipment_types() **id**: unique integer associated with the given type/tag **equipment_type_id**: id of the associated equipment tag in client.get_equipment_types() **tag_name**: this is the sub-equip type tag associated with a class **name_long**: longer, human-readable name. This is the class name you will find in the ontology. **name_abbr**: common abbreviated form .. _point types: Point types ----------- Accessed with .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: py client.get_all_point_types() .. code-tab:: r R get_point_types() **id**: unique integer associated with the given type/tag **tag_name**: human-readable name. This is the class name you will find in the ontology. **active**: True if this class in the latest version of the ontology **measurement_id**: id of the associated measurement type accessed as documented below **tags**: Haystack tags associated with point type .. _unit types: Unit types ---------- Accessed with .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: py pd.DataFrame(client.get_all_units()) .. code-tab:: r R api.get('unit') # official get_all_units() # dev **id**: unique integer associated with the given type/tag **name_long**: human-readable unit name (e.g. 'Cubic Meter per Hour') **name_abbr**: abbreviated form (e.g. 'm3/h') **data_type**: form of associated data. Can be 'Binary', 'Continuous', 'Enum', 'None', or 'Ordinal' **raw_encoding**: for Binary and Enum data types, contains dictionary matching number to interpretation. **display_encoding**: for Binary and Enum data types, contains dictionary showing how each reported number will be displayed. E.g., a 0 from an Occupancy sensor will be reported as 'Unoccupied'. **qudt**: url for additional information about unit (e.g. 'Degrees Celsius') on **unit_type**: url for additional information about measurement type (e.g. 'Temperature') on .. _measurement types: Measurement types ----------------- Accessed with .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: py pd.DataFrame(client.get_all_measurements()) .. code-tab:: r R api.get('measurements') # official get_all_measurements # dev **id**: unique integer associated with the given measurement types **name**: name of measurement type **default_unit_id**: id of default associated unit type in client.get_all_units(). Note, pandas will cast this column as a float, but it can still be used to look up id **units_convertible**: True if units of this measurement type can be interchangeably converted (generally True for continuous measurement types) **units**: embedded JSON of possible units for given measurement type **qudt_type**: url for additional information about measurement type (e.g. 'Temperature') on Tag metadata ------------ Accessed with .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: py pd.DataFrame(client.get_tags()) .. code-tab:: r R api.get('tags') # official get_tags() # dev **id**: unique integer associated with the given tag metadata **name**: name of tag being described **definition**: definition of tag **def_source**: source of definition (either brick, haystack, or onboard) **def_url**: url for source of definition (brick and haystack only) **category**: category used to help sort point types in the ontology (see data model page). Can be 'Medium', 'Medium Property', 'Point Class', 'Quantity Modifier', or None .. _bsp-reference-label: Columns for Data Extracted from Buildings ========================================= Building-Specific Equipment --------------------------- **id**: unique integer associated with the given equipment in this building. Will be unique across all equipment in platform. **building_id**: unique integer associated with the building. Will be unique across all buildings in platform. **equip_id**: Name to identify individual equipment instances. Constructed as equipment name + identifying suffix **suffix**: Just the identifying suffix part of the equip_id **equip_type_name**: Relevant name in the ontology **equip_type_id**: integer id of relevant equipment type **equip_type_abbr**: abbreviation of relevant equipment type **equip_type_tag**: tag name of relevant equipment type **equip_subtype_name**: name of relevant equipment sub-type **equip_subtype_id**: integer id of relevant equipment sub-type **equip_subtype_tag**: tag name of relevant equipment sub-type **floor_num_physical**: 4-digit code (see below) for floor where equipment is located. Can be integer or NaN if not available 1000: basement 1001: rooftop 1002: outside 1003: whole_buildings 1004: ground_floor 1005: penthouse **floor_num_served**: 4-digit code for floor that equipment serves. Can be integer or NaN if not available **area_served_desc**: Description of area that equipment serves **equip_dis**: plain-text description of equipment from building documentation **parent_equip**: integer id that links to parent equipment row(s) **child_equip**: integer id that links to child equipment row(s) **points**: embedded JSON containing associated points **tags**: Haystack tags associated with equipment Building-Specific Points ------------------------ **id**: unique integer associated with the given point in this building. Will be unique across all points in platform. **building_id**: unique integer associated with the building. Will be unique across all buildings in platform. **last_updated**: Unix-formatted timestamp of most recent value reported from point **first_updated**: Unix-formatted timestamp of earliest value reported from point **name**: raw sensor metadata (from BACnet scan) **description**: alternate location for raw sensor metadata (from BACnet scan) **units**: Matches to unit abbreviation in units table **raw_unit_id**: unit id as it appears when accessing :ref:`unit types` **value**: Most recent reported value for point (from BACnet scan) **type**: name of point type in the ontology **point_type_id**: point type name as it appears when accessing :ref:`point types` **measurement_id**: measurement type id as it appears when accessing :ref:`measurement types` **state_text**: mapping between each state and text description of state **equip_id**: unique integer associated with the associated equipment Site-Level Data --------------- Accessed with .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: py client.get_all_buildings() .. code-tab:: r R get_buildings() **id**: Unique ID generated for a new site (primary key for the Site Table) **name**: Site name **sq_ft**: Total square-footage of the site address **equip_count**: Number of equipment instances associated with the building **point_count**: Number of points associated with the building ****: Site's main ownership organization **info.floors**: Number of floors associated with the site's square footage **info.m2fend**: Site scheduled weekday closing time **info.satend**: Site scheduled Saturday closing time **info.sunend**: Site scheduled Sunday closing time **info.geoCity**: Name of the city where the site is located **info.geoState**: Name of the state where the site is located (e.g. New York) **info.m2fstart**: Site scheduled weekday opening time **info.satstart**: Site scheduled Saturday opening time **info.sunstart**: Site scheduled Sunday opening time **info.geoCountry**: Name of the country where the site is located **info.weatherRef**: The source of weather data